Suffern, NY/Mahwah, NJ
"Suffern's Deborah TAXI"
I hope this blog page holds the info that you need.
Please email me with any other questions or scheduling info if you can.
I prefer to minimize phone time to acquiring necessary information.
I am probably driving.

Are you looking for daily updates?
I often leave info quickly on the Facebook page at

Deborah TAXI of Suffern, Ramsey, Mahwah on Facebook

My current hours are Monday through Friday 7am to 6pm.  
 (By appt in advance on the weekends)
Are you having a problem finding a taxi when you come to Suffern, Mahwah or Ramsey?
I am available by appt., even when I am not sitting at a train station - my advance scheduled customers always take priority!
Please call, email or text when you are making your plans.
(I answer my own phones so I can't answer a phone call when I am driving. A text waits till I stop. Advance planning means I can schedule without driving).
Watch for the Smiling Faces!